piątek, 30 października 2009

I don't know who I am, what to do or why.

As an author, it's difficult to know where to write. I mean, am I supposed to write in the fridge, or in the bath, or under the table, or on the roof? Should I be drunk or sober? These and other deep existential problems plague my life. And then there's the problem of not having anything to say except complete bollocks. Still, I am trying to reach the highest supra-intellectual state of existence-consciousness-bliss. Drinking beer is of course easier. Oh, and I'm addicted to the truth. I'd like to know what's real, not what people want to believe. Philosophy is fundamental, not peripheral or irrelevant. I have no real idea if anyone will like what I write, but I hope so. Maybe it will entertain.
I'd be delighted if you'd check out my Website.